Nov 29, 2009

I'll Be Home For Christmas

Its now officially Christmas season and I could not be any more excited about that. I love the holidays. Everything and everyone seems to be happy in anticipation for Christmas. I love the season more than the actual day. I cant wait to help my grandma bake cookies, well watch her make cookies as I eat them because I cant cook. I am already listening to Christmas music and doing Christmas Shopping! Its just so exciting. Whats your favorite part about christmas? Let me know in the comments section :)


Emily said...

The traffic, the lines, and those annoying 'one day sales' that really last for weeks all get under my skin...but when I finally reach Christmas...and I'm with all of my family and close friends, it all just seems just right.

:D Merry Christmas, Sarah!

Unknown said...

I love the way the lights on the tree make intricate patterns on the ceiling! And the smells -vanilla and apple cider and evergreens. I love how relaxed I can be just sitting by the Christmas tree or the fireplace. And I love the music! I'm trying so hard not too but I've been listening to it for a week haha.

molly said...

wheyyy im your 100th subscriber:))
just thought i should comment to tell you haha